Holzcluster Steiermark > Cluster-Leistungen > Projekte > BSP-Wiki & CLT-Designer

BSP Wiki and CLTdesigner
Digital services for knowledge transfer

Timber construction
Sustainable Know-How Transfer 2.0 with BSP Wiki

Digital services combined with efficient access to information are key factors for competing in the future. In the age of digital platforms traditional hardcopy variants have given way to the dynamic form of knowledge exchange.

A key task of the Cluster is to transfer knowledge between the worlds of science and business. With this project Holzcluster has created an efficient tool in cooperation with hbf and Graz University of Technology. BSP Wiki has a number of functions: it bundles new knowledge, makes it available to interested industrial timber companies, consultants and experts in real time and in different information levels (basic, advanced, detailed) and permits user campaigns and the provision of theme-related documents for downloading.

Product, dimensioning and applications

Under these categories BSP Wiki contains information on cross-laminated timber as a product (structure, measurements, mechanical/physical properties, production process, qualities, etc.) as well as its applications (walls, ceilings, roofs, folded plates, beams) and a selection of built properties (single-family houses, multi-storey housing, nurseries and schools, commercial properties and many more).

It also lists dimensioning principles including background knowledge for different design situations (lateral/racking loads, connection technology, fire loads, etc.).

HotSpot BSP and Special Themes

The Special Themes category contains information on logistics, transport and assembly as well as principles of building physics and pipework routing, incl. representative details intended to standardise massive timber construction with CLT.

Besides offering up-to-date information and a discussion forum, the item Hot Spot also lists CLT courses of varying lengths, which guide students through the content of BSP Wiki and allow them to test their knowledge afterwards. These courses can be used by both schools and universities and by timber construction companies and consultants for purposes of further training.


CLTdesigner is a software package for Eurocode-based, manufacturer-independent dimensioning of cross-laminated timber. It automates the time-consuming process of dimensioning the cross-layered structure of CLT, so making this building product easier to use.

Modular in design, this software allows the user to perform dimensioning for CLT ceiling/roof/wall elements and ribbed slabs.

To cater for international CLT markets, CLTdesigner is available in a number of languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL). In addition to the basic document of EC 5, it also includes several national annexes (AT, DE, FR, NL, SE).

Science meets business at holz.bau forschungs gmbh

Our major strength as a cluster lies in our close coordination with the universities, R&D, politics and decision-makers. This allows us to act as both an interpreter and networker between our company and the research sector.

Chairman of Supervisory Board of holz.bau forschungs gmbh
Richard Stralz, Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding

“Cooperation between holz.bau forschungs gmbh and Holzcluster allows the potential of R&D to be used to optimum effect for the sector.”

Formula for success of holz.bau forschungs gmbh

Our services revolve around stimulating research issues relating to timber construction that are of great interest to our partner companies. We also arrange for sustainable knowledge transfer to ensure that industry learns about the latest scientific findings as soon as possible.

The benefits to you:

  • Hbf is the research service provider for your questions about timber construction
  • Continuous further development of timber construction
  • Individual testing for your products
  • Project development relating to your research topics
  • Access to know-how about timber construction
  • Knowledge transfer

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