Efficient production through software development and control systems

The EU project FOCUS deals with planning, real-time monitoring and control of forest supply chains in Europe.

Sustainable and efficient production through integrated software development and control systems

The goal of FOCUS is to improve sustainability, productivity, and product marketability of forest-based value chains through an innovative technological platform for integrated planning and control of the whole tree-to-product operations, used by forest-producers to industry players.

FOCUS objectives

Long term sustainability of European forest-based industries and the development of rural areas require further improvements in the integration and automation of forest related processes, pushing forward precision forestry.
FOCUS will demonstrate how innovative sensor technologies and sophisticated software solutions can integrate control and planning processes across the forest-based value chains while assuring efficient communication mechanisms between the multiple enterprises.

For this purpose, FOCUS brings together leading SMEs, experts and
organisations in the fields of precision forestry, sensors, automation and software development. Case studies will be set in Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Portugal covering the four main forest-based value chains in Europe (lumber, pulpwood, biomass, cork), from forest planning and monitoring forest growth, harvesting, wood transportation and industrial processing.

Main results
  • Improved sensors technologies for monitoring environment conditions, raw materials traceability and machinery /operations productivity
  • Novel software for planning, control and automation of singular operations of the value chain, predicting future instructions for the workers and machineries based on the sensor data input
  • New interoperable plug-and-play architecture for the integrated technological platform for wide value chain planning and control
  • New business models for collaboration among players of the forest-based
    value chains
  • Prototypes of the FOCUS technological solution used in pilot cases in
    Europe for validating and disseminating project results
Key data

Project aim
New FOCUS technological platform that combines sensors and sophisticated software solutions for  integrated control and planning of the whole forest-based value chain.

Consortium of 6 SMEs and 6 RTDs from Portugal, Finland, Belgium,
Switzerland, Austria and Germany, combining expertise in of forestry,
sensors, automation and software.

Projectduration: 2014 – 2016

Current Projects

Systemoptimierung im österreichischen Holzbau