Sustainable use of forest biomass in South East Europe

Sustainable Networks for the Energetic Use of Lignocellulosic Biomass in South East Europe

Supply Chain Management Standards for forest biomass products

Besides water, wind and solar power, forest biomass is one of the most important  sources of renewable energy in Central and South East Europe. FOROPA analyses the innovation needs of enterprises and commercial end users in the forest biomass supply chain, sets up transnational reference processes and demonstrates the transferability of these reference processes to push forward the ability of intermediaries and entrepreneurs to innovate their businesses.

Relevant existing national and regional entities will be coordinated in order to encourage and foster innovation of all actors along the biomass utilization chain (private forest owners, state forests, logging and transport enterprises, biomass converters and traders, and primary wood processors). Further, the political support for an increased substitution of fossil fuels
with renewable energy from forest resources will be spurred.

Main Outputs
  • Transferable framework and guideline for the improvement of logistics chains
  • Research agenda for biomass supply chain management
  • International collaboration platform with expert pool and knowledge repository
  • Training and qualification strategies for entrepreneurs and educational institutes
  • Demonstration of pilot applications to decision makers and entrepreneurs

Developement of Sustainable Networks for the Energetic Use of Lignocellulosic Biomass in South East Europe

Project Coordinator
Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH

Project consortium
Cluster organisations, research institutions, forest associations and state forests from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Romania,Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland and Ukraine

Projektduration: 2012 – 2014

Current Projects

Systemoptimierung im österreichischen Holzbau