Pilot project for forest owners

Holzcluster Steiermark and Waldverband Steiermark have joined forces to come up with concrete measures for making sure woods and forests are not affected by our climate.

In an era of climate change, preserving the role of the forests and supplying industry with timber as a renewable resource represent important challenges which need to be confronted on a global, national and regional scale.

We have teamed up with Waldverband Steiermark on the HolzmobRegio pilot project to develop a consulting and support structure that will help ensure our forests can cope with climate change and preserve them for future generations.

Help, I've been left a wood!

How should I go about sustainable management of my forest? How should I organise a timber harvest, selling the wood and who should I get to take it away? Questions of this kind prey on the mind of anyone who has come into a wood or forest.

Transfers, legacies and urbanisation are increasing the number of people with a forest who live a long way away from their land. Such distance entails an awareness of the sustainable management required here.

We are additionally faced with the challenge of supplying our thriving timber industry with raw material.

Mobilising owners and keeping the forest functional

Mobilisation involving privately owned woods and forests means motivating owners, whose property has often been handed down, and helping them grasp the numerous benefits of forestry management that will ensure their trees survive in the face of climate change.

Model Region Graz Environs

On average some
8.3 hectares is in the hands of over 4600 forest owners.
Despite this amounting to approx. 8.4 cubic meters of timber for harvest per hectare/year, over the last decade only 6.0 cubic meters per hectare/year was used here.

Project financing

Funding under the rural development programme with aid from the Austrian government and the EU. The project has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism.

Solving problems with a digital service portfolio

Information events and best practice examples are being employed to raise awareness for the economic, social and ecological dimensions to the forests.

The physical distance to forests above all makes it necessary to come up with new management strategies, which can be implemented only in cooperation with local partners.

Besides establishing the consulting and support structure and performing selective public relations activities in the urban environment, HolzmobRegio is also engaged in developing a digital service portfolio available to the owners of forests and support staff.

Heading into the World Wide Wood with Holzcluster

Holzcluster’s main role in HolzmobRegio is the further development of digital services for owners of forests. Aided by our lengthy cooperation with Waldverband Steiermark, we implement digitalisation to offer people who have recently inherited a wood or forest a comprehensive overview of the state of thisproperty located miles away from their home.

Holzcluster Steiermark
Christian Tippelreither

“In HolzmobRegio we explore the potential of IT and communication technology and make it available to owners of forests in the form of a digital cockpit.”

Current Projects

Systemoptimierung im österreichischen Holzbau