Holzcluster Steiermark > Cluster-Leistungen > Projekte > Spitzen!Leistung Holz

enabling innovation
Spitzen!Leistung Holz

New applications

Project Spitzen!Leistung Holz

Holzcluster Steiermark Spitzenleistung
Strengthening innovative ability as a key to corporate success

Our location as a centre of business is only as strong as its companies and their drive to develop through innovation. It is not however easy coming up with new products, processes or services while looking after day-to-day business.

Producing competitive innovations means having professional, structured support at your side during the development process. Our project Enabling Innovation – Spitzen!Leistung Holz offers you assistance to get to the top when starting out.

Initial situation

Driven by the vision of successfully implementing innovation projects while still always looking ahead for success, we then gave the starting shot for encouraging innovation with the “Enabling Innovation” project in 2017.

At the start of the project we planned to offer support to at least 10 companies.

The timber industry gets off to a start

Under “Spitzen!Leistung Holz” the innovative force of companies from all stages along the forestry/timber value-added chain are subjected to an international comparison. This is used to put together an individual package of measures to support an internal innovation management programme.

The aid level for such measures is 75%.

Where they're heading

For some 50% of companies the key issue with the planned measures has been to date (further) development of their internal innovation management.

The other half have been aiming to clearly improve their ability to innovate through digitalisation or automation.

Extension of project following its resounding success

In view of the strong demand, Enabling Innovation will be entering a new round in the middle of 2019, with the project being extended by another two years! If you are considering innovation projects involving digitalisation and Industry 4.0, we can help you on your path to becoming a top performer.

Elisabeth Hutter, Hutter Acustix

“Holzcluster has supported us with the course Spitzenleistung Holz, so that we as a classic carpentry company can make perfect use of the opportunities that digitalization has to offer.”

Current Projects

Systemoptimierung im österreichischen Holzbau